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Common Automotive Fasteners

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Common Automotive Fasteners

2024-04-26 14:52:16

Automotive fasteners play an important role in the process of automotive production.They are mainly used to fix and connect various components of the vehicle, such as the engine, chassis, body, etc. There are various types of automotive fasteners:
1.Bolt and nut.
Bolts and nuts are the most common automotive fastener. They are usually used to connect various components of a car, such as the engine, chassis, wheels, etc. The materials and specifications of bolts and nuts are different for different usage.
2. Screw
 Screws are fasteners similar to bolts, but they are usually smaller than bolts. Screws are usually used to connect some small parts of a car, such as the dashboard, door handles, etc. 
3. Stud
 Studs are a type of elongated fastener commonly used to connect major components of a car, such as the engine and chassis. The length and diameter of the screw are relatively large, and it can withstand large tensile and compressive forces.
4. Washer
 Washer is used to increase the connection area of fasteners. They are usually placed under the nut to increase the contact area between the nut and the connecting components, thereby improving the fastening force of the fastener. 
5. Spring washer
 A spring washer is used for shock absorption and buffering. They are usually placed on both sides of the fastener connecting components to reduce vibration and impact between the connecting components.
6. Locknut
 It is a special type of nut that can lock the nut after tightening to prevent it from loosening. Lock nuts are usually used to connect some important components of a car, such as the wheels and brake system.
7. Bolt sleeve: Bolt sleeve is a small component used to increase the strength of fastener connections. They are usually placed inside bolt holes to increase the friction between bolts and connecting components, thereby improving the tightening force of fasteners.
Automotive fasteners are key parts of cars, they not only bear the weight of the entire vehicle, but also the pressure, vibration and other forces generated by the vehicle during operation. Therefore, their quality is related to the safety and stability of the entire vehicle.